Local Voices
Spot Showcase
Travel Essentials
Here are some of our staff's recommended day-trip hot springs, ra ....
Recommended by Higashikokubaru-san, ....
A must-see for runners!
5 running courses to fully enjoy Miyazaki-ness
I am passionate about my hometown, Miyazaki, and I dedicate mysel ....
Tashiro-san's Recommendations
Recommended Excellent Yakitori & Izakaya
Editor-in-chief of the web media "Hinata Miyazaki Keizai Shimbun" ....
Higashikokubaru-san's Recommendatio ....
Recommended Excellent Yakitori & Izakaya
My current obsession: Gokase Wine and Tsuno Wine I am passionate ....
Tashiro-san's Recommendations
Nishitachi is the place to go
if you want to enjoy Miyazaki's nightlife to the fullest!
Editor-in-chief of the web media "Hinata Miyazaki Keizai Shimbun" ....